Tran Times

"I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chris Tomlin Concert Pics & Review

Last night, my husband, two girls, and I had the privilege of attending one of Chris Tomlin’s “And If  Our God Is For Us” 2011 concerts.  In my humble opinion, this singer/song writer is responsible for some of the most beautiful, God-glorifying, music out there today.  To be quite honest, in the days leading up to the concert, my main excitement was due to the fact that I’d get to see a great Christian artist in person.
This changed, however, when we finally got there and the concert, or more appropriately, the worship,  began.  Both my husband and I noticed that Mr. Tomlin never talked about himself or any personal matter.  Not once did he claim credit for anything or put himself on a “pedestal-like” position.  If I’m not mistaken, in most cases, people put in a platform like that would at least share a little bit about themselves.  The entire night, from beginning to end, God alone was given the spotlight.  The songs praised the Lord.  They rang of biblical truth.  Another treat was when the Passion Movement founder, Louie Giglio came out and shared a message.  Who shares a message at a concert?  Well, apparently, they do.  He shared out of the Psalm where God’s creation praises Him.  We are part of the symphony that makes up God’s creation who is to praise Him. 
At the end of the night, as my husband and I chatted on our way home, I realized that not once during the concert did I become star struck over the man I was so excited to see.  Rather, I ended up worshipping the Lord through song and in hearing His word taught.  This is a testament to the love these great artists have for our God.  Their goal was to let God and His Son, Jesus Christ shine.

Don’t get me wrong, I still bought the must have concert t-shirts.  (In fact, I got 2!)  But overall, attending the Chris Tomlin concert was a blast because I got the opportunity to worship the Lord with people I know and folks I’ll probably never see in this life time, but will see in the life to come.


  1. Did you totally rock out?! Lol! Glad you and the family enjoyed the concert.

  2. wow, that sounds like an awesome concert. i hope your girls enjoyed it as much as you did. to God be the glory!
