Tran Times

"I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Back in Time: Camel Barns Field Trip

Recently, the children and I went back in time; back to the 1800's!  We visited the Camel Barns Museum and was gifted with information of the city of Benicia from hundreds of years ago.  After touring, the children got to participate in some hands on activities that were part of life in the 1800's.

                                        No washing machines back then!

                                      Grinding corn~

Trip to the Winery, Fresh Grape Juice

Adear friend brought the kids and me to her parents' winery.  We were able to pick grapes straight from their vines.  It was AWESOME!  That evening, the children and I used the grapes to make our very own homemade grape juice.  Delish!  Thanks Auntie J!