Tran Times

"I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High."

Friday, August 10, 2012

2011-20112 Tran Fam School Yearbook

Because our children are homeschooled, they don't get the opportunity to have a yearbook at the end of the year.  A couple of years ago, we decided to compile pictures of their schoolyear activities so we can create a yearbook of our own.  We just got the yearbook for this past schoolyear!  It's fun to look back and be reminded of what God has accomplished in our lives in the past year.

                      Sample page below...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Homemade Kind of a Day

With the free, HUMONGO zucchini we got from the farm, as well as fresh plums from a friend, we set out to make yummies.

                                    Jasmine named this, Mom's Delicious Jam..

                                  Mmmmm.  Zucchini bread...

A Bonus to a Great Day

Last Saturday, we unexpectedly ended our afternoon with a visit to a local farm.  It's always fun to see the different animals there.  BUT the highlights were: the children finding and collecting tons of peacock feathers and getting a free, HUMONGO zucchini. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tran-lympics 2012

Inspired by watching the Olympic Games, the kids and I decided to have one too; A fun way to keep the kiddies active.

Event:  A Shoot-out

 Event: Court Run

Event:  Wheelbarrow

Event:  Coin Toss

Prize- A big tablespoon of ice cream!!!